If U guys involve in anything regarding about direct selling or multi level marketing, PLEASE do not ask any PREMIERS to join in coz we don't want any misunderstanding among us.
Kalo korank nk kaye, blaja dulu.. pas2 keje.. jgan nk wat direct selling coz it cannot be trusted..
There are 3 reasons why u cnnot involve..
1. korank is still under parent's responsibility.. jgan gune duit MAK BAPAK korunk..
2. company tu cannot be trusted..
3. u guys will neglect korunk nyer study..
Tpi, kalo korunk da terinvolve make sure tny dis Question kt upline korunk..
1. company tu recognise by Bank Negara,
2. r u guys protected under Biro Hak Pengguna..
3. u guys mintak no ic dorank in case dorank mnipu...
Ok, dats all.. I'm very concerned coz many of PREMIERS were getting involve..
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